Vases, urns, and assorted containers...

This post is slightly different from my usual, in that it has no flowers in it; however, it's all about the things into which I put flowers. Namely vases, urns, chalices, baskets, crocks, and various assorted containers.
I love the process of choosing the container for an arrangement. It is the foundation of the design and oftentimes determines the overall shape, size, and style of the finished flower piece. Many times it is the vase itself that gives me the inspiration for the design.
I went on a supply run last weekend and came home with a car load of pieces and have spent the week unpacking and adding them to my collection whenever I have had a few spare minutes. Whether it's colored glass, pottery and ceramic, baskets, or even wood or metal with a waterproof, flower-friendly liner -- I always have my eye out wherever I go looking for my next treasure.
The craftsmanship and creativity that the artist has poured into crafting these vases, into the glassblowing or the hand painting or throwing the clay in the pottery pieces or the weave of the basket... I feel honored to use something they have made and to acknowledge their skill and contribution.
If you see something in particular in one of these photos that strikes your fancy, call to order some flowers in that specific vase or container (if it is still available). Or, if you ask for a designer's choice arrangement, know that the design delivered will be in something similar to these options -- interesting, unique, and hopefully appropriate to the occasion, fitting the style of the composition.
Thank you for supporting our small floral business, where each flower design is created from the ground up with personalized service and high quality in mind. I hope you get as much pleasure and enjoyment as I do from these unique selections. 💐
Sincerely, Laura
Blooms, Tehachapi, CA
Vases, urns, and assorted containers...
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