I love allium. They are quite unique and add a striking element to any arrangement. (They also remind me of Dr. Seuss, which makes me happy.

This is a huge purple "Gladiator" allium. It measures almost 4" across and is made up of hundreds (thousands?) of tiny little flowers all over its surface.
Allium are relatives of onions, actually part of the family containing onions, garlic, leeks, and chives. They grow from bulbs and come in a wide range of sizes, some very small and some quite large like this Gladiator. The stalks are stiff, allowing them to easily hold the weight of the large bloom at the top, and this feature makes for a striking flower arrangement accent piece.
Allium hold up very well as a cut flower, lasting two weeks or more in a vase, with the proper care and conditions.
Keep your eyes open for allium in our designs, as this is and will continue to be one of our favorites!